Support our Parish
In addition to our online giving options below, you are always welcome to give with a check or cash by adding to our weekly collection or sending into the parish office.
Another easy way to manage your church giving is with our new Text-to-Give function that is fully integrated with our Online Giving. You can text an amount to 860.300.3436, and your transaction will be processed through the Online Giving account associated with the phone number. If your phone number is not recognized, you can continue without an account, associate your number with an existing account, or create an account.
FAQ's about Online Giving
What is Online Giving?
Online Giving is a direct payment program whereby your contribution is debited automatically from your checking, savings, or credit card account into your church's bank account.
What are the advantages of Online Giving?
It makes it easy to fulfill stewardship commitments, even when you can't attend church. You never have to bring cash or checks to church. Giving electronically also helps the church save money and improve its budget!
How are my contributions automatically deducted from my account?
Once you complete the online registration form, the contribution amount you specify will automatically be transferred from your bank account to the church's bank account.
When will my contribution be deducted from my account?
Your electronic contribution will be debited on the date you specify on the donation form.
If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?
Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in your check register on the appropriate date. Electronic contributions are recorded for you on your bank statement as well as your online reports.
Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?
Your bank statement gives you an itemized list of electronic transactions as well as your online reports.
Can I put different amounts in offerings and have all of them withdrawn at different times?
You can set up to contribute to different offerings at different times; HOWEVER you will have to do each one separately. You will receive a receipt for each one.
What if I change bank accounts?
Login and update your account information.
Is Online Giving risky?
It's less risky than writing checks or bringing cash to church. Electronic contributions cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed and have an extremely high rate of accuracy.
What if I try Online Giving and don’t like it?
You can cancel your authorization by deleting your bank accounts and donation dates.
How do I sign up for Online Giving?
Complete the online registration form and select the donations and the amount you would like to donate along with your bank account or credit card information. It's that easy!