North American Martyrs Youth Ministry Group

Our group is composed of seventh through twelfth graders. Our Youth Ministry Group Alumnae (college students) often join us for special activities. Six power words: FUN, FAITH, LOVE, SERVICE, PRAYER, and PEACE describe Youth Ministry Group. We are constantly exploring and living out these words.

At each of our meetings we focus on a theme. We start each meeting with an opening prayer experience, go over upcoming activities, do an icebreaker and continue with activities and discussions that are related to our theme. In addition to activities with our entire group, we often separate into random or same age groups to discuss “stuff” at a deeper level. We utilize our older members as mentors for our younger members. We close each session with snack time and a closing prayer experience.

Outside of our regular meetings, our activities include: Crop Walk, Thanksgiving and Christmas Food Baskets, Christmas caroling, Holy Family Retreat Center, Living Stations, Italian and Irish Nights, HomeFront, and special parties.

The Youth Ministry Group is designed to provide an atmosphere where Youth can come together to socialize, have FUN, share their FAITH, experience God’s PEACE, deepen their PRAYER life, learn about God’s LOVE and SERVE others. In this environment, our Youth help each other learn how to deal with the many problems that they face in this ever-complex world.

Contact Our  Youth Group Leaders


Kristina Gillespie
Youth Ministry Group Director


General Info

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for information on our upcoming events

Photos from past YMG Events

2021 Mission Trip Service Project

Thanks to all of the wonderful Parishioners who prayed for us while we were away serving God and our resident in Erie, PA. Due to your generosity, we were able to donate 106 canned and boxed food items and $396. God is Good all the time!

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2021 Mission Trip Mass

Youth and adults going on the Mission Trip celebrate with their families and Fr. Tim at the Commissioning Mass at St. Rose.

2019 Christmas Pageant

Youth Ministry Group working with children from CCD performs a Christmas Pageant at the Christmas Eve Mass.

2019 Christmas Caroling

Members of the Youth Ministry Group with their families and friends visit Riverside Health and Rehabilitation Center to bring God's Love and Joy to the residents. The afternoon was spent caroling in the lobby and strolling the floors bring Christmas cheer to all

2018 Christmas Caroling

Youth Ministry Group brought God's Love and Joy to the residents at Riverside Health and Rehabilitation Center. We spent a few hours singing Christmas carols with them. Thanks to our singing helpers, Sandra Dias, Ken and Marybeth Walter and Veronica Matta.

2018 Thanksgiving Baskets

​Service is one of the power words in our program. And we Love to Serve. Last Saturday we worked to prepare and give out almost 50 meals to the hungry. We had some Confirmation students work with us. Pay it forward!!!

2018 Italian Night

​Our North American Martyrs Parish YMG celebrated its most FUN dinner last Saturday. Thanks to the massive outpouring of love and support our official count was 172 and we made over $2,000. This is as good as it gets with God leading the way and the parishioners enjoying a wonderful evening with great Italian food and two religious/funny mini-plays on Jonah and contemporary religious speech.

2018 Catholic Youth Encounter

Our North American Martyrs Parish YMG attended the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Encounter with 500 other Teens and adults at St. Paul's High School in Bristol. The theme was “Too #Blessed 2B Stressed”. We enjoyed some FUN, PRAYER and FAITH building activities including Revive Ministry Band, Speaker Roy Petitfils who spoke about Teen stress, Benediction and a closing Mass with Archbishop Blair! Enjoy the photo gallery below.